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United Airlines Flight 232 In Sioux City, Iowa

United Airlines Flight 232 In Sioux City, Iowa

Nov 17, 2014 | Cases, Crashes

United Airlines Flight 232 constituted one of the largest mass disasters in aviation history after a DC-10 aircraft flipped over and crashed in a corn field near Sioux City, Iowa. That day only 112 people survived the airline crash out of the 296 people aboard.

Katzman Lampert & Stoll aviation lawyers represented 42 victims and their families and was elected to the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee. Other firms filed their cases in federal court and became part of multi-district litigation. Regardless, Katzman Lampert & Stoll’s aviation attorneys managed to keep their cases out of federal court and filed in state court. They theorized that the center engine explosion was caused by bad titanium. Despite repeated pressures, the Firm proceeded to court. On the eave of opening statements, the defendant manufacturers backed down and agreed to conclude the trial.

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Our practice exclusively involves injury and death cases resulting from airplane accidents, helicopter crashes, and aviation disasters.

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Katzman Lampert & Stoll
9596 Metro Airport Ave.
Broomfield, CO 80021

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Phone: (303) 465-3663
Fax: (303) 867-1565

Katzman Lampert & Stoll
121 N. Wayne Ave. # 205
Wayne, PA 19087

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