Katzman Lampert Represent Young Boy After Father Killed In Explosion At DIA
In 2001, a fueling explosion killed a ground crew member at Denver International Airport. The victim was refueling a Boeing 777 when the refueling nozzles and hoses disconnected, whipped around, and caused the immediate eruption of flames. Katzman Lampert & Stoll aviation lawyers represented the victim’s young son against several defendants. Through extensive discovery and research, the Firm hypothesized that there were flaws in the refueling procedure and refueling mechanisms used by the victim. Although Katzman Lampert & Stoll was prepared to go to trial, the defendants opted to resolve the matter by compensating the victim’s son.
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Our practice exclusively involves injury and death cases resulting from airplane accidents, helicopter crashes, and aviation disasters.
Katzman Lampert & Stoll
950 West University Dr #101
Rochester, MI 48307
E-mail: DKatzman@klm-law.com
OR Click to use our Contact Form
Toll-Free: (866) 309-6097
Phone: (248) 258-4800
Fax: (248) 258-2825
Katzman Lampert & Stoll
9596 Metro Airport Ave.
Broomfield, CO 80021
E-mail: BLampert@klm-law.com
OR Click to use our Contact Form
Toll-Free: (866) 309-6097
Phone: (303) 465-3663
Fax: (303) 867-1565
Katzman Lampert & Stoll
121 N. Wayne Ave. # 205
Wayne, PA 19087
E-mail: BStoll@klm-law.com
OR Click to use our Contact Form
Toll-Free: (866) 309-6097
Phone: (610) 686-9686
Fax: (610) 686-9687